Guillemette was born in France. Her mother flew them right after birth to Equator to meet her father who was stationed there, serving in the french military. They stayed 3 years. Returning to France they ended in Brittany where she stayed until her last years of college. She studied Marine Biology and achieved a Master in Oceanography.
She then moved to Brussels for a PhD project. She spent a few years conducting her field studies and experiments on the ´star fish’ population. She did not present her studies to validate her PhD. Eigtheen years later she still does not regret this decision.
Brussels is also the city where she met the love of her life. After her first kid was born, she chose to become family manager and full-time mother. The couple chose to have 4 children. Thanks to them, she has been involved in an association running a ´kindergarten’ open to all children, including special needs one and exploring the best practice for their inclusion. She was the President of the Association for 2 years and continued while her children had left to elementary school where she became also part of the elected parent representatives for a few mandates.
4 years ago she joined the board of Greenpeace Association Luxembourg and the one of the influencing Foundation, thus became a member of the Board of the Greenpeace France Luxembourg Regional office and president of the Luxembourgish board for 4years.
She was glad offering her time and skills this incredible NGO.
Meanwhile, with other parents she has been founding the parents association for the elementary school and was part of their board for 3 years.
Since February the 9th 2022, she joined what is called the “work force” becoming a science teacher in lower secondary school. After a few years, she grabed the opportunity to become the coordinator of one of the first third-place in Luxembourg: Ôpen – citizen house. For the past 1 year, she has been putting her skills at the service of volunteers and visitors to the site, to make it a place where everyone feels welcome and where everyone can contribute their fair share to laying the foundations for a fair and sustainable society that takes care of people and the planet.
Her kids are growing, 12, 14, 18 and 19 years old now. Her husband wanting to be more involved in their everyday life, she chose to take the opportunity to work and teach. "The Covid19 Crisis offered me the opportunity to enter and explore the important and essential role in this profession. I am doing my best for the children to become the educated citizens of tomorrow”, she said at that time. Now, she describes her new job as being the mother of the citizen-house. The one who knows where everything is, the one who welcome, listen, empty the dishwasher and the trash, the one who try to do her best to satisfy the needs of all and the one that is fuelled by a smile in return.
IG: @guillemetteturquin
Guillemette chose to support Stëmm vun der Strooss in Luxembourg
Portrait taken by
Jessica de Vreeze | @Jessicadevreeze