James Goldberg, was born in NYC, and lives between France and America since 40 years. Among others, he holds an MD. PhD at the faculty of Medicine (France), is a Cancer Specialist recently nominated as Emeritus Member of the American Society of Clinical Oncolgy ASCO.
He works for professional organisations and governments in USA, France and Europe. Member of High Levels Commissions in Medicine, Research and Public Health of the European Commission.
He was the first Chief of the largest Home Care Program in France Sante Service, 250 patients per day in 1985 to 1200 patients per day 1990’s in the Paris Region. He is a specialist in Healthcare Quality and Safety Sciences (ANDEM and ANAES) and helped establish national programs in France from 1994-2002(Accreditation and Evaluation of Hospitals, Home Care, Cancer Treatments and Research, Cancer Nutrition and Continuous Care Support).
A founder of the International Healthcare Technology Society and member of Scientific Boards several for International Medical Societies and a member of the high level European commission DG SANCO.
He was discerned the “Academic Palms” by the Prime Minister and Ministers of Health and Education in France for services in the National Educational Program. James Goldberg was also discerned the Highest Award for Contributions in Evaluation and Accreditations by Canada Canadian Council on Health Services, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg. Professor Goldberg was the President of the Scientific Committee for the Masters Degree in Quality and Safety in Medicine for Europe and was elected to the Scientific Committee for Medicine in Rome. He held the position of Senior Advisor to the Director of Research of Medicine and Research in France in International Programs Christian Brechot- INSERM. He was special International Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Health, and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research to the President of the United States during the Clinton Presidency. He has been Special Advisor to the Deans Commission of Medicine in France (1990-2002) and a Special Advisor to the Royal College of Physicians UK. Directeur International University Lyon 1 S.I.S. Membre Conseil Scientifique de Cancerologie France Conseiller du Doyen DEAN Faculte de Medecine Paris Descartes pour Internationales Relations, Member of the International Board of the Academy Health USA.
He has National Dual Citizenship: American and French. Expert to the European Commission for Health Science and Life Science Education and Investment
Member of the Academy de Medecine Rome